Kick Starting Your Metabolism into High Gear

Kick Start Your Metabolism Shared with Us By Green Health Spot  After eating way too much I thought I would write down a few tips to kick start your metabolism so that you can stay slim this Summer and weather the assault of sweets, snacks and parties.  Many of us use the excuse of hot…

Components of Cider Vinegar

Components of Cider Vinegar Cider vinegar contains many nutrients, such as beta-carotene, potassium, magnesium, calcium, riboflavin and thiamin; vitamin B6, C, and E; and fruit acids and pectin.  Beta Carotene, potassium, and pectin are especially important for the heart, skin, and digestion.


Saffron has been around since the eighth century, and its major exporter is spain.   Saffron is very costly selling for as much as $50 per ounce because it takes 200,000 dried stigmas from over 70,000 flowers to produce just one pound.  A very little bit goes a long way as it is a very potent…


About Ginseng The ginseng root is a herbal remedy that dates back over 5000 years.  There are many natural healing properties and applications from this root. Ginseng Plant Facts: The ginseng plant takes at least 6 years to mature and can grow up to 28 inches tall.  Ginseng is most known by its yellow taproot,…